Shaun's Signature Process
These tools allow us to:
Heal trauma, integrate wisdom and lead to inspiration.
Evolutionary drivers that empower every individual to be the hero of their own story.
Integrated breathwork practices from across the globe. Emphasising how the breath is the centre point of our lived human experience, the core of who we are and when we breathe together we “conspire” to create a better world. Breathing the World into Being, holding a vision for humanity, Earth, the Universe where our frequency, energy and vibration is a catalyst for change.
The entire Universe is both masculine and feminine. Every living thing has both masculine and feminine energy and this polarity holds together the fabric of our lives. Instilling quality education and empowerment of how to work with the kundalini, primordial force, chi etc is fundamental to improving our quality of life and ability to stand in our power and be an agent of change.
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. One could view shamanism as the universal spiritual wisdom inherent to all indigenous tribes. As all ancient spiritual practices are rooted in nature, shamanism is the method by which we as human beings can strengthen that natural connection. It is your birth right to learn and embody your own lessons and teachings. Your spirituality should be discovered, not indoctrinated.
Embodiment practices use the body as a tool for healing through self-awareness, mindfulness, connection, self-regulation, finding balance, and creating self-acceptance. Embodiment explores the relationship between our physical being and our energy. Physical health/Movement is an essential component of being in your power.
This includes but is not limited to substances that are used for healing and regeneration or biological improvement, as well as vehicles for expanding consciousness. Food is medicine, water is medicine, plants are medicine. It is important we all learn and preserve the ancient wisdom teachings of how to work with mother natures pharmacy to assist our health and evolution.
In many cultures and spiritual traditions (if not all of them), dancing is practiced as a means of coming closer to spirit, to encounter the divine, and as an expression of that relationship that already exists. Dance is a constant reminder and gateway to the inner child and liberation of the spirit.
Song, music, sound healing. Energy, frequency and vibration are how our Universe works according to Nikola Tesla. Many have predicted that sound is the one thing that is going to create a rapid awakening of our planet. Some lineages even predict it will be a precise sound that amplifies through the entire planetary field, creating a great upgrading of our DNA.
What we think we become. Being able to create harmony between mind, body and soul creates liberation from suffering and pain. Having the tools and awareness to cultivate a deep state of inner peace and clear thinking provides the ultimate faculty for living a life of freedom. Gene Keys.