Shaun is a spiritual warrior whose ultimate purpose is to raise the vibration of our planet by connecting humans to their infinite potential. There have been countless transformations through the integrative programs he has developed and shared. He does this through through his core gifts of teaching, speaking, and healing. He is the founder of the transformational retreat brand Pacha Retreats and the men's empowerment movement, Sons of the West.
"I help you
Remember Your Power."
Connection | Mastery | Love | Spirituality/Nature | Community
Shaun experienced a journey of radical life transformation at the age of 26, where he was called to learn, heal, love, and grow after years (even generations) of pain and suffering to him and his family. This was the great battle of his life and with every great battle there must be a victor, fortunately, it was Shaun, and ever since he transcended this old toxic masculine paradigm, his mission is to shine his light with total integrity and authenticity to truly connect and empower others to do the same and to ultimately, love themselves unconditionally first by creating happiness from within.
Shaun’s story is about going from breakdown to breakthrough, he cracks open his community and enables them to embrace their highest potential.
4 years ago, he was down on the canvas, almost defeated by anxiety and depression, barely able to leave his house and on a long stint of mental health leave from teaching.
Today he is fast becoming a high-level keynote speaker and a life-changing facilitator who passionately shares his gifts with the world, doing what he loves, teaching people how to find happiness from within.
He was most recently awarded the 7News Young Achiever Regional Service Award, after impacting over 3500 teachers, 6500 students and many more globally with his programs.
Studies include:
Human behavior, NLP, meditation, breathwork, reiki, exercise physiology, suicide prevention, hypnosis, nutrition and subconscious aspecting.
My mission is to remind you of your true nature. I do this by leading peak state experiences that help you to remember your infinite potential. By doing this we create harmony between your true self, community and source (spirit/god/high power).
My vision is to fortify deeply rooted connection to and preservation of Pachamama by leading initiatory experiences that activate our cellular memory, bring our gifts online and create a ripple effect of transformation through the collective consciousness. These experiences integrate holistic modalities and bring world-leading facilitators, healers and teachers to the community for the transfer of wisdom and knowledge so that together we unite and celebrate our beautiful planet.
I am the leader/founder of a magical healing and inspiration centre that brings together remarkable beings from all over the planet to provide retreats, events and gatherings that support the vision and progress into the ancient future.
By putting myself in the spotlight, sharing my story and gifts and fully illuminating (Tony Robbins style) I then increase the capacity for my whole community and planet to benefit, the income and energy received into our community is potential energy used for having a greater impact on the planet.
Community, being In nature, playing in our playground.
Being surrounded by souls who resonate at the same frequency and who amplify the light.
Celebrating, playing, dancing, singing, creating,
making love, children and connection.